Dorothy You’ve Had the Power All Along

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The hype surrounding WICKED has me thinking of the many lessons in the original movie, The Wizard of Oz. First, there is Dorothy, running away to find something better. The irony of that? She spends all her time in OZ trying to get back home. Begs the question, “Is THERE better than HERE?” But that’s a story for a different day. Of course, there is Scarecrow who was smarter than he gave himself credit for, and Lion who had courage and didn’t even know it. I do not even have time to dissect the wicked witch herself.😊 

My all-time favorite lesson came from Glinda to Dorothy. “You’ve always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”  

Glinda teaches Dorothy she had the power to get home all along. Just like us. We have the power, everyday, to have the experience we decide.

What? I know, how did I get from Glinda the Good Witch to a life lesson related to coaching? I’m just that good. 😊 

We have the power to create our reality with our thoughts. “Thoughts become things.” It’s true – all inventions started with a thought. And all experiences are a result of thoughts. Not sure? Think of something your mom or dad did ALL THE TIME when you were a kid. Especially something that annoyed you. Mom criticized your outfits. Dad always said, “You throw like a girl.” (That is a true story, and duh, I am a girl?). THEN…ask one of your siblings about their experience of the SAME THING. You will often find a VERY different experience. WHY? It’s the same reason eyewitness accounts are not reliable. Experiences are colored by our thoughts and feelings. The experience itself is a CIRCUMSTANCE. But the Interpretation? That’s all thoughts and feelings.

I’m talking about “The Model” which is the foundation of my coaching practice.

C: Circumstance

T: Thought

F: Feeling

A: Action

R: Result

Results in our lives come from OUR THOUGHTS and these thoughts DRIVE our ACTIONS. Therefore, we have the power, every day, to create the reality we want. Just like Dorothy.

I know…you are skeptical. Sometimes things “just happen.” Or do they? I’ve linked a video HERE about the model. There are examples and a deeper explanation. You can do models and self-coach or GET COACHED. I’ve done both. In person coaching is the best way “to see” the thoughts behind the actions. Thoughts can be sneaky. You may not realize the thought behind an action. It took Dorothy 102 minutes to realize that there is no place like home AND we can make ANYPLACE home if we know how to tap into our power. Give me 60 minutes to change your perspective!

Want to learn? Put on your red shoes sign up for free call below. Let’s unearth those sticky thoughts and reveal your path home.

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard. If it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.” -Dorothy

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